Friday, July 31, 2009

holy jesus dude...

wow, i spent a lot of money today. got a ton of stuff for the homestead today. then i took my sisters and our lifelong friend out to dinner and a movie. dude, the bourbonzolla burger at rock bottom is pretty much the best friggin' burger i have ever had in my life. no joke. it's going to be on my menu soon enough. we explored the city a bit before dinner; i had to show them around, but i ended up getting some of my own exploring done as well. movie? we saw "the hangover" and holy jesus dude, it was great. i don't know why so many people didn't say so, but i'm saying so and it was great. that's going in the collection for sure. i feel like celebrating this great day. i needed it after yesterday.

what am i talk about? my r.v.p. tore me a new ahol. and he didn't do it quick with his teeth, he used his tongue and it took forever.(if you don't understand that metaphor i just came up with, god bless you and your life because you don't have to deal with b.s. like this) anyways, i was seriously jacked up after that. i drank 'til five in the a.m. watching terrible, terrible movies that people should be killed for making. serious. i had problems dealing with that altercation.

so, yeah, today made me feel soooooo much better. too bad it took a ton of money to feel great, but it did the trick. now tomorrow i get to accomplish some new apartment perks after building some ikea products. i've barely started and the homestead has freshened up a bit. so cool. you know what, my dialect has turned into valley boy rhythmns and i don't care.

i can't wait for tomorrow duder!

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